Woman, Life, Freedom
Woman, Life, Freedom
( Kurdish : Jin, Jiyan, Azadî | Farsi : Zan, Zendegi, Azadi )
As an Iranian woman, I firmly believe in the essential entitlement of Iranian women to live with honor and self determination.
We should have the freedom to love and be loved, while also demonstrating responsibility and consideration for others.This encompassing freedom is at the core of our lives, allowing us to thrive and embrace our true selves.
Poster is designed for 8th MarchInternational Women’s Day
"Avsett var kvinnor komifrån. Vi, kvinnor är starka; Vi, kvinnor är vackra."
“Destined to be where women came from..we, women are strong; we women are beautiful.”
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Pen & Paper