I'm Samin, a creative explorer who is always up for trying new stuff and making things better for people and the planet. I currently live in Scandinavia.


Imagine a world where everything from shapes to colours to clicks is thoughtfully designed so everyone, no matter what, can enjoy it. For me, designing is about creating places where things work well and look great, while also making sure everyone feels welcome.


Design and sustainability are like two peas in a pod, sticking together through thick and thin. Designers are like gardeners, carefully cultivating their ideas with a tender touch and a mindful eye. They're all about making the most of what's already around, repurposing and recycling with a purpose.

Design System

Design isn't just about making things beautiful; it's about creating a language that speaks to users, and guiding them effortlessly through every interaction.
Join me to embrace the magic of design systems, where every pixel tells a story and every interaction leaves a lasting impression.


Imagine a world where everything from shapes to colours to clicks is thoughtfully designed so everyone, no matter what, can enjoy it. For me, designing is about creating places where things work well and look great, while also making sure everyone feels welcome.


Design and sustainability are like two peas in a pod, sticking together through thick and thin. Designers are like gardeners, carefully cultivating their ideas with a tender touch and a mindful eye. They're all about making the most of what's already around, repurposing and recycling with a purpose.

Design System

Design isn't just about making things beautiful; it's about creating a language that speaks to users, and guiding them effortlessly through every interaction.
Join me to embrace the magic of design systems, where every pixel tells a story and every interaction leaves a lasting impression.



( 2008 ) Toronto

Toronto welcomed me like a buffet of cultures. Surrounded by people from all over the world, each with their own stories; Going to design schools opened up exciting new opportunities for my creativity.
The mix of cultures has not only shaped my personal life but also transformed my professional path, & bringing a fresh perspective to how I approach multicultural living.


( 2021 ) Oslo

Moving to Oslo was a mix of fear and excitement as I stepped into a city where I knew no one. Oslo challenged me to grow and become more independent, which I’m really proud of. It also gave me the chance to improve my skills as a creative experience designer, letting me experiment and find new ways to be creative.


( 1986 ) Tehéran

Born in Tehéran, weighing a solid 3.1 kg :) , I began learning piano at age 4, dreaming of telling stories through music. After graduating from music university, I found myself teaching music to visually impaired individuals using Braille, which opened up a whole new world for me.
In 2008, I headed to Canada to start a new chapter —hoping the snow would join in my sense of adventure.


( 2012 ) Göteborg

Moving to rainy, beautiful Göteborg by the sea, I was welcomed by saltwater breezes & cheerful seagulls. Over nearly a decade, I embraced the Nordic love for nature and simplicity, which changed my mindset.
Living in Sweden made me more mature, flexible, & open-minded in both my career & personal life.


( 2024 )

For a long time, I wasn't sure which creative path to take, but now, as a creative designer, I love exploring different avenues. Every day brings opportunities to experiment & grow creatively, which I find incredibly fulfilling.
I'm particularly fascinated by how sustainability & minimalism can shape my work. And now, I'm excited to start this new creative chapter, seeking inspiration & growth in the journey ahead. Exciting, isn't it?


The Explorer's Quest

I dive into the sea of knowledge, powered by my favourite mug of black coffee as my sidekick, and uncover treasures of insights like a detective, armed with my trusty caffeine boost.


Stormy Brainwaves

I gather my creative crew in the idea zone, where imaginations run wild with creativity afloat, fuelled by laughter and maybe a little treat or two.


Painting Dreams

Now it's the time to enter the realm of design magic, where ideas come to life and inspiration flows freely. I paint my visions onto the canvas of creativity with the help of another black coffee


Conversations with Souls

I then I set off on a friendly chat, armed with questions and a warm smile, and inviting them to share their stories and insights.


The Sculptor's Touch

Like a sculptor carving from stone, I delicately shape my designs, sculpting them into form with patient precision, ensuring each curve and contour tells a story of purpose and elegance.


Melodies of Interaction

Infusing my creations with the harmony of interactivity, I strive to create experiences that resonate deeply with each soul that they touch.


Bridges of Connection

Crafting pathways of accessibility,
I ensure that my designs are welcoming to all, building bridges that unite rather than divide.


Guardian of Tomorrow's Dreams

As a steward of sustainability, I nurture my creations with care, sowing seeds of environmental consciousness to ensure they bloom for generations to come.


My Grand Symphony of Design

I believe each method is a note, and together, they compose a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of imagination. The final crescendo, we embrace our roles as guardians of tomorrow, ensuring that our designs not only inspire but also sustain the world we inhabit.


( 1986 ) Tehéran

Born in Tehéran, weighing a solid 3.1 kg :) , I began learning piano at age 4, dreaming of telling stories through music. After graduating from music university, I found myself teaching music to visually impaired individuals using Braille, which opened up a whole new world for me.
In 2008, I headed to Canada to start a new chapter —hoping the snow would join in my sense of adventure.


( 2008 ) Toronto

Toronto welcomed me like a buffet of cultures. Surrounded by people from all over the world, each with their own stories; Going to design schools opened up exciting new opportunities for my creativity.
The mix of cultures has not only shaped my personal life but also transformed my professional path, & bringing a fresh perspective to how I approach multicultural living.


( 2012 ) Göteborg

Moving to rainy, beautiful Göteborg by the sea, I was welcomed by saltwater breezes & cheerful seagulls. Over nearly a decade, I embraced the Nordic love for nature and simplicity, which changed my mindset.
Living in Sweden made me more mature, flexible, & open-minded in both my career & personal life.


( 2021 ) Oslo

Moving to Oslo was a mix of fear and excitement as I stepped into a city where I knew no one.
Oslo challenged me to grow and become more independent, which I’m really proud of. It also gave me the chance to improve my skills as a creative experience designer, letting me experiment and find new ways to be creative.


( 2024 )

For a long time, I wasn't sure which creative path to take, but now, as a creative designer, I love exploring different avenues. Every day brings opportunities to experiment & grow creatively, which I find incredibly fulfilling.
I'm particularly fascinated by how sustainability & minimalism can shape my work. And now, I'm excited to start this new creative chapter, seeking inspiration & growth in the journey ahead. Exciting, isn't it?


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